FileZilla Portable Help

FTP in your pocket

FileZilla Portable allows you to carry a whole FTP client with you on an iPod, USB thumbdrive, portable hard drive or any other portable media. You can plug it right into any Windows computer and use it just like you would on your own. It is a repackaged version of the popular FileZilla FTP client designed with portability in mind, so it has all the same great features of FileZilla, but there's nothing to install. Learn more about FileZilla...

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FileZilla Portable-Specific Issues

You can read about advanced configuration options for the FileZilla Portable Launcher in its Readme.txt.

General FileZilla Issues


Many thanks to mai9 for the original Free The Fox launcher on which the FileZilla Portable launcher is loosely based and tracon for some of the original ideas with fflaunch. Thanks as well to FlashBanG and all the folks participating in the mozillaZine forum thread.